AAT - Credit Management
Studying for the AAT Credit Management exam
The content of this Knowledge Bank is not designed to be a substitute for a structured system of study towards the exams but rather should help complement your chosen study system.
In particular,
- we do not guarantee full syllabus coverage,
- the content here is not necessarily pitched at the right level of difficulty for your exam - in particular, in some areas, it may go beyond what you need,
- the knowledge bank focusses on knowledge, concepts and ideas but has very few worked examples or graded exercises for you to practice,
- there are no past exam questions here to attempt
- examiner's articles and other official guidance are not repeated here.
We highly recommend that you complete a structured course of study and obtain text books and exam kits to improve your chances of exam success.
Using the Kaplan Financial Knowledge Bank
The main benefits of the way the content is presented and accessed via the Knowledge Bank are as follows:
- a quick answer to a quick question - if you have a query then you should be able to access a trusted answer quickly and efficiently using either the search function, the top navigation bars or /and the side navigation.
- integrated knowledge - examiners often criticise students for not appreciating how different topics fit together. By following the structured links and navigation bars in the content, you can explore related concepts to integrate your knowledge.
- assumed knowledge - you can revise assumed knowledge from lower papers by searching for the relevant topics and reading around the subjects.
The AAT Credit Management syllabus
The syllabus for Credit Management is split into 4 main learning outcomes (LOs):
1. Understand relevant legislation that impacts upon credit management
2. Use information from a variety of sources to grant credit to customers within organisational guidelines
3. Use a range of techniques for the collection of debts
4. Monitor and control the supply of credit
A good page to start on if you are unclear where to begin would be the overview Working Capital Management page and, within this, the Credit Management page. The latter addresses each of the LOs listed above.
Created at 12/5/2013 11:35 AM by System Account
(GMT) Greenwich Mean Time : Dublin, Edinburgh, Lisbon, London
Last modified at 12/5/2013 11:44 AM by System Account
(GMT) Greenwich Mean Time : Dublin, Edinburgh, Lisbon, London
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