Blake and Mouton's Managerial Grid
Robert Blake and Jane Mouton carried out research into managerial behaviour and observed two basic dimensions of leadership: concern for production (or task performance) and concern for people. This is an example of a leadership style theory.
Based on the results of staff questionnaires, managers can then be plotted on Blake and Mouton's grid.
1.1 Management impoverished
This manager only makes minimum effort in either area and will make the smallest possible effort required to get the job done.
1.9 'Country Club' management
This manager is thoughtful and attentive to the needs of the people, which leads to a comfortable, friendly organisation atmosphere but very little work is actually achieved.
9.1 Task management
This manager is only concerned with production and arranges work in such a way that people interference is minimised.
5.5 'Middle of the road management'
This manager is able to balance the task in hand and motivate the people to achieve these tasks.
9.9 Team management
This manager integrates the two areas to foster working together and high production to produce true team leadership.
Blake and Mouton's grid can be used to assess the current behavioural style of a manager and then plan appropriate training and development to enable them to move towards 9.9.
Created at 8/10/2012 10:14 AM by System Account
(GMT) Greenwich Mean Time : Dublin, Edinburgh, Lisbon, London
Last modified at 9/26/2013 11:23 AM by System Account
(GMT) Greenwich Mean Time : Dublin, Edinburgh, Lisbon, London
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