Job costing
Job costing is a form of specific order costing and it is used when a customer orders a specific job to be done. Each job is priced separately and each job is unique.
- The main aim of job costing is to identify the costs associated with completing the order and to record them carefully.
- Individual jobs are given a unique job number and the costs involved in completing the job are recorded on a job cost sheet or job card.
- The selling prices of jobs are calculated by adding a certain amount of profit to the cost of the job.
To detrmine the cost involves the following:
Illustration - Job costing
Individual job costs are recorded on a job card similar to the one shown below.
Flow of documents
The flow of documents in a job costing system is shown as follows:
Created at 6/28/2012 11:21 AM by System Account
(GMT) Greenwich Mean Time : Dublin, Edinburgh, Lisbon, London
Last modified at 11/14/2012 12:03 PM by System Account
(GMT) Greenwich Mean Time : Dublin, Edinburgh, Lisbon, London
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