Civil Law

Civil Law


This is a branch of law that deals with disputes between individuals and organisations, the purpose of which is to resolve those disputes and provide remedies.

Civil Law System

In civil law cases are brought by claimants seeking remedy to some form of dispute. Cases are therefore reported as 'Smith vs Jones,' for example.

Burden of Proof

The standard of evidence in civil courts is less than in a criminal court. In a civil court cases must be proven on 'the balance of probabilities.' This simply means that the case is more likely than not to be true.


If a case is upheld in a civil court then the court can select from a number of remedies including compensation/damages, performance or injunction. Civil courts do not have the power to sentence someone in accordance with criminal law.

Created at 8/20/2012 8:44 AM  by System Account  (GMT) Greenwich Mean Time : Dublin, Edinburgh, Lisbon, London
Last modified at 11/14/2012 1:51 PM  by System Account  (GMT) Greenwich Mean Time : Dublin, Edinburgh, Lisbon, London

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Balance of probabilities

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