Sources of power
When discussing management and leadership at some stage the issue of power will crop up. Manager sand leaders need the power to make things happen. This page looks at the sources of such power.
Sources of power
John French and Bertram Raven identified five sources or bases of power.
- Reward power is based on one person having the ability to reward another person for carrying out orders or meeting other requirements.
- Coercive power is based on one person's ability to punish another for not meeting requirements, is the negative side of reward power.
- Expert power is based on the perception or belief that a person has some relevant expertise or special knowledge that others do not.
- Referent power is based on one person's desire to identify with or imitate another.
- Legitimate power is the power derived from being in a position of authority within the organisational structure/according to the position they hold within the organisation.
Created at 8/9/2012 3:58 PM by System Account
(GMT) Greenwich Mean Time : Dublin, Edinburgh, Lisbon, London
Last modified at 11/13/2012 3:35 PM by System Account
(GMT) Greenwich Mean Time : Dublin, Edinburgh, Lisbon, London
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