Contingency Theories

Contingency Theories

These theories of leadership suggest that there is no correct style, or approach. Instead, successful leadership involves adapting to the particular circumstances in which the leader finds themselves.


There are a number of contingency theories, including:

Adair - Action-centred leadership   

Fiedler's contingency theory

Bennis - transformational leadership 

Kotter - managing change

Heifetz - leadership to motivate

Contingency theories are often seen as the most practical view of leadership, as they encourage leaders to understand their current circumstances and adapt their approach accordingly. However, in practice, many managers find it difficult to vary their leadership approach on a regular basis - instead simply finding a style that they are comfortable with and sticking with it.

Created at 8/10/2012 10:58 AM  by System Account  (GMT) Greenwich Mean Time : Dublin, Edinburgh, Lisbon, London
Last modified at 11/13/2012 2:58 PM  by System Account  (GMT) Greenwich Mean Time : Dublin, Edinburgh, Lisbon, London

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